Investing your money can often be needlessly complicated and expensive. Just the thought of the steep learning curve and the added expense is often enough to turn potential investors away—two barriers that the M1 Finance app aims to break down with their automated investing service.
Available for iOS and Android devices, M1 Finance is an investment tool designed to make it easier (and cheaper) to invest your money. Users can start with a free account and pick from over 80 pre-packaged investment portfolios (dubbed “pies”) that easily let you see exactly what you are investing in. Pies are made up of stocks and ETFs. You can select which pies to invest in, and what percentage of your cash to allocate to each. From there, you can set up automatic deposits into your pies and establish goals for your investments using various criteria. For example, you can choose to invest for short or long-terms gains, and M1 Finance’s robo-advisor will automatically allocate your funds and investments to help you optimally reach your goals.