It was Benjamin Franklin who once said that nothing in this world is certain, except for death and taxes. Not quite 200 years later, April 15 was established as “Tax Day” in the United States. And ever since, procrastinating Americans have come to dread that day when Uncle Sam expects them to open up their wallets and pay up.
When are taxes due in the USA?

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Frequently Asked Questions
Federal income taxes are due to the federal government by way of the IRS. These are due on April 15 of every year, unless April 15 falls on a weekend or holiday, in which case they are due on the following business day
State income taxes are due to the state you reside in the majority of the year (or any state you completed paid work in), except the nine states that don’t require income taxes at all.
Yes, every state has different income tax rules. There are nine states (Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Texas, Washington, Wyoming, Tennessee) that don’t collect income taxes.
Of the remaining states that do, every state collects a different percentage and has different rules regarding deductions. And while most states keep the same tax filing date as the federal government (April 15), there is a handful that delay that date by a few days or weeks.
If your adjusted gross income (AGI) is less than $72,000 a year, or if you are active-duty military, the IRS provides several options for filing your taxes free online. According to the IRS, roughly 70 percent of Americans are eligible for these programs and could be filing for free online, but many eligible filers are missing out.
Not sure if you fall into that 70 percent? No worries, the IRS is even willing to help you figure that outso you can pay your taxes in as stress-free a way as possible.